The ICS Quick Change Beads are the perfect connection between feeder and hooklength, simply open the bead by retracting the sleeve, attach hooklength and replace sleeve for a fast, efficient and secure solution to alternating hooklengths. Can be used with either elasticated on inline feeders.
Available in 2 sizes: Small and Large. 5 pieces per pack.
In-Line Quick Change Beads
The Method Feeder Quick Change Bead has been designed to provide a safe semi-fixed bolt rig, with the added benefit of being able to quick change your hooklength. Specifically designed to fit all in-line styles of feeders, it provides the perfect neat set up. Compatible with Preston In-line Flat method feeders and In-line Banjo feeders.
6 pieces per pack.
ICM In-Line Quick Change Beads
Designed to fit inside any of the ICM Feeders, creating a safe in-line set up. Allows you to quickly and easily change your hooklength.
6 pieces per pack.
ICM Swivel Kit
The ICM Swivel Stem Kit will convert any ICM product from an in-line feeder to a conventional style feeder set up, with the added benefit of still being quick change.
Particularly useful with the ICM Cage feeders, ICM Match Cubes and ICM Maggot Feeders.